I'm in my 50's and its still dirty blonde and long.
Also what color does dirty blonde turn?
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
Mine is a mix of an ugly steel grey and white.....but I dye it all the time. Started turning about 5 years ago and went very quickly. Original color....dirty blonde or dish water blonde.....who knows. LOL
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
LOL!!! You people on on a roll today! ;-) Must be all that "green beer?" hehe
I had black hair at one time in my life ... turned gray .... now I am a BLONDE! lol hehehe
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
First gray hair at about 34. Now at 65, it's about half and half.
All hair turns the same color - none. Without melanin it's all translucent white.
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
Oh yes- and was dying it until my 17 year old granddaughter told me- "ya know- that grey looks really cool cause it's in front and sides- looks like you did it on purpose, like a streak"
I stopped dyeing it. I may just let it go. I think if it went totally silver quickly- it would be pretty.
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
No, my mom had very few grey hairs when she passed away 3 wks after her 90th birthday. I take after her. I don't know what dirty blonde is, sorry.
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
I used to have black hair....it started to turn early on.... my family has a natural white forlock....aka...Jay Leno and Mortia Adams soooooo I keep a color on mine at all times. My brothers (twin Is brillo gray) so mine is probably close to that too.
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
My hair has gone the salt and pepper look. I like the gray and do not ever even think about coloring it.
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
No gray, it's a natural silver, on top, sides and front, with a little medium brown mixed into the very back. I'm on the verge of coloring it again, unless I talk myself out of it. lol
A friend of mine is an dirty blonde and her hair hasn't turned yet. It is natural. She is 54. Another friend that is dirty blonde is all gray and she colors it a med ash blonde. She is 52 and her hair has been gray for about 10 yrs now. So hard to say. Lighter color hair on an aging woman will give the illusion of a younger look. Darker hair is drabber and adds a few years. Cutting the hair on an older woman will take a few years off as well. Or if you don't want to cut it, consider maybe a some inches off, but yet be able to wear it up. Lifting up and away from the face takes years away. A wispy full bang will also add a youthful look. With long hair it will give the appearance of dragging the face down. A shorter do, and lighter color will add youth to an aging woman's look.
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
My hair used to be dark brown, then blond, dark brown and then I woke up one day years ago and it was very light blond again. Never has been gray thanks to Loreal.
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
It departed for parts unknown while I was still in my 20's
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
Mine is salt and pepper now.
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
Dirty blonde turns golden
and platinum.
Looks like spun gold.
You are lucky -
it will never look 'gray.'
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
I have a combination...looks more silver. Not sure, My Sister has blond hair, and I can't see any white or gray.
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
what I have is a bright white that sparkles. I don't dye it because I like it. And it is almost the same effect I got when I would have a weave of blond but now its a white weave. I know I should care and do blond again but.....
Do men like it I wonder...but then I do, sooo?
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
mine is " salt and pepper " color -- what I have left that is.
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
Mine is finally getting some white hairs on the top, for a long time I just had a few in front. It's mostly blonde still but now it looks frosted. I am 65.
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
it tries and tries...but i refuse to allow it. i keep it confused...blonde on month, burgundy the next...then a nice rich brown....then all the reds. i was turning gray at 25.i decided at 48 somethng had to be done. and since then it has been everything....even bright blue....by mistake. some girl said it was reeal nice.. she was a goth, whatEVER that is.
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
I have light to medium brown hair. It is gray underneath and around my face. I have the hair pattern of my mom. Her hair was jet black though. I have dyed it twice. Once my daughter did it. and once my husband did it. I told him it was either him or 60 dollars to a colorist. I really don't care either way. I may color it again and I may not.
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
Mine is still dark brown with a few white streaks in the front.
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
I've been gray since my late 40's. I quit coloring when I turned 50. I can't stand the hassle even though I think that I would look "Less" washed out with a little hair color.
I'm 60 and it's getting more silver and white.
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
Only my hairdresser knows for sure. ~lol~ Your hair will probably turn a very light gray, since you have blonde in your hair. (like me)
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
I'm still 60. My hair is brown with a few strands of silver, which I am letting grow without coloring. I want to see myself age gradually. Blonde turns silver. I think it's pretty.
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
My hair is also kind of a dirty blonde. I have been finding these very light hairs though, but I'm sure it's just the blonde coming back. lol
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
My roots are white. It's time to get out the L'oreal Preference because I'm worth it.
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
It's platinum! I love it! I call it "God's Frost Job" People compliment me all the time, and I don't have to spend money on hair coloring. My hair was dirty blonde for awhile, so yours may change to platinum like mine did. Mine is straight, and very long, too--lots of trouble, but it stays healthy because I don't have to put color on it, and I don't perm it. My icon is not representative of my hair color because they didn't have long platinum hair to choose from--and it's not gray.
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
Gray and white...still a great deal of brain activity below the hair though.
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
Yeah, I am getting tired of having to dye it over and over........................
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
Be happy, I started turning gray in my 40's.
Has your hair turned gray or white yet?
My hairs still dark, just a wee smatter of grey at one side.
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