I've noticed on both of my breasts, on the sides, there are tiny little hairs. When I simply pull them with my fingers, they're like white threads almost. They come out without plucking or any effort. I also have what looks like a bunch of tiny broken red blood vessels towards the top of my breasts as well.
Can anyone give me an idea of what this is or how I might go about getting rid of it? Cheers.
White hairs/threads on breast?
Are you sure they're in your skin and they don't come from your clothes/bra if they pull off so easily? They could just have rubbed off onto your skin.
However, I do have a few tiny tiny white hairs on the edges of my breasts...barely visible unless you look really really closely and you can't feel them. It's normal...we are mammals after all. Mine don't come out though I don't think.
I don't know what's with the blood vessels, do you think they are bruises? Stretch marks? How long have they been there for and do they hurt? I did have purple marks on my breasts for a while at one point, now I think about it. They went away but I'm not sure what they were. Perhaps your bra doesn't fit right?
White hairs/threads on breast?
i had the same thing.. i think it maybe material from my bra rubbing on pores. i use a loofah regularly and that helped
White hairs/threads on breast?
your boobs might be growing if they start to get sore see a doctor but remember i'm NOT an expert just an advice giver
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