Thursday, November 26, 2009

Why is it when they talk about an all-american girl it's always a white girl with blonde hair a

My definition of an all-american girl is a nice dark-skinned Black girl, who is independant,beautiful, smart, witty,and is unique.

Or even a Latina who is strong, pretty, proud, and intelligent

Why is it when they talk about an all-american girl it's always a white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes?

And your definiton is just as true as the other one. All American can be any color, hair, etc. That Williams girl that ran so fast in the Olympics is All American, as was Mary Lou Retton. It is nice you are so proud and out-spoken.

Why is it when they talk about an all-american girl it's always a white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes?

Why do you have to have a definition at all? Your acting no better than the (they) that you talk about.

Why is it when they talk about an all-american girl it's always a white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes?

Because that's this societies view of true beauty. Quite limited, I know.

Why is it when they talk about an all-american girl it's always a white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes?

I think your being racist as well.

Why is it when they talk about an all-american girl it's always a white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes?

Your definitions wrong as well as the one you mentioned, well in my opinion it is.

My definition of an all American girl is someone who loves America with all her heart but will point out it's faults.

Why is it when they talk about an all-american girl it's always a white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes?

cause it just is... thats just society...

Why is it when they talk about an all-american girl it's always a white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes?

a description of an all american girl can be anything you want it to be.

Why is it when they talk about an all-american girl it's always a white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes?

I don't agree with the all-American definition of "girl" but I don't agree with yours either. Many girls are independent, beautiful, smart, witty and unique (did I get all of the adjectives?) and they aren't all black or Latina.

Great "girls" come in all shapes, sizes and colors--INCLUDING white. I usually like your questions and answers, but you are a bit off the mark with this one.

Why is it when they talk about an all-american girl it's always a white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes?

You can not define an "American" girl.

and the reason i suppose it's the blonde blue eyed girls that are considered all American is because thats what we are raised thinking. take Barbie for example, all american girl, all blue eyed blonde haired and white. Anywhere in the world, thats the image most people will come up with regarding an american girl because thats what we were taught. completely ludicrous, but true.

Why is it when they talk about an all-american girl it's always a white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes?

I never thought that as the stereotypical view, the U.S. has branded itself as a diverse nation. This isnt Europe. All-American is anyone who embraces America.

Why is it when they talk about an all-american girl it's always a white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes?

i know huh. What happened to all the African American girls. I've never heard of the Latina one though.

Why is it when they talk about an all-american girl it's always a white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes?

I don't know. It's kind or ironic considering the first americans has dark hair and eyes. They didn't even have white skin. Odd.

Why is it when they talk about an all-american girl it's always a white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes?

I don't understand that concept anyway...Blonde hair and Blues. When Hitler said that was the traits of the perfect German....How can that also be an American Trait, when Whites are descendants of the Europeans...And the Europeans are mixed with numerous races...WOOOO WEEE this **** blows me away...

Why is it when they talk about an all-american girl it's always a white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes?

well, everyone else isn't going to think like you. personally, when i think of an all american girl i think of blonde hair and a nice tan. Now, why is it you didnt say a strong smart witty intelligent white girl? why did you just say blonde hair blue eyes? white people usually have a better education that blacks and latinas

Why is it when they talk about an all-american girl it's always a white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes?

and they call me cliche?

maybe cause whitey is the majority so more girls next door tend to be white..

besides blacks and latinas live in the ghetto and they usually dont poll in those areas...

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