I was in this store minding my own business when I heard these to women talking about black people calling them everything but a child of god. I stepped over and asked her what was her probably and she said that black women are nothing but whores ( not knowing I was a black woman) so I slapped her for being so ignorant. But now I feel bad for stooping down to her level, was I wrong for slapping her?
Grandparents are European descent
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? I understand how your felt, and you had every right to be angry. However taking it to a physical level was not the thing to do. What happens now is this woman, who is obviously a racist and ignorant, will tell everyone that she was not only correct about black women, but here is her proof that anyone associated with them is violent and and every other bad thing she can think of. (I'm assuming you didn't let her know you were black. If you did let her know she will now add violent to her arsenal against black women.) The best way to deal with the ignorance of others is to live well and show them you are an upstanding decent person. Someone that your friends and family are proud to be associated with. Being a good citizen and person makes people like her stand out (and not in a good way) for their horrible attitudes and words. Other people will see the truth if you live your life on the higher level. It's tough I know. My son is bi-racial and he has his struggles too. But never let them bring you down. The best revenge is living well.
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? You have issues.
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? No, I'd get pissed too.
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? Yes--you were wrong and you lowered herself to her level. You can't cure ignorance with violence.
You should have told her matter of factly that you were a black woman and that you were no whore.
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? HECLK NO! she shouldnt be saying that about anyone! YOU GO GIRL!
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? ha ha ha ha ha ha your so stupid ha ha ha ha ha your white, ha ha ha ha ha ha
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? well slapping her may have been going too far.but i understand you were upset.i dont blame you.people are just dumb.btw u sound adorable!^o^
nevermind those dummies girl!
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? Slapping is taking things to a physical level. Words are words. I have had similar experiences, and I just tell them their ignorant, and carry on with my day....
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? My great grandparents were from Mexico, and I have cousins who look mexican (brown skin, black hair). However, I look anglo. I always hear a lot of racist comments against hispanics. It is very disappointing to hear such racist remarks from persons whom I considered my friends and whom I trusted.
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? Well you probably should not have slapped her eventhough she deserved it.... Theres all kinds out there. Don't feel bad. Just be who you are.....
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? Well ???, she deserved a slap, but yep, I guess it was wrong to slap her.
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? I would not have slapped her as it would just prove her point. But I understand what you mean. I have naturally red hair and I used to get accused when I was younger of trying to be "a white girl".
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? Well you did turn the other cheek! :-)
In all seriousness, people normally take offense to things that are true. Since that is not true, you shouldn't have taken any offense.
For all the people saying a black person cannot naturally have blond hair and blue eyes must have never met an albino black person. It is possible, although very rare for the eyes to be blue.
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? I dont believe one word of this, I dont even believe you're Black.
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? You shouldn't have stooped down to her level, but you're human; you were upset and it was a difficult thing to deal with. But just remember that they were just being rediclious. You're you, and no matter who you are mistaken for just be proud.
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? Wouldn't they see the color on your skin...
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? if i were you, i would have done the same thing, but it might not have been the best way to react. sometimes if people are racist against me being hispanic, i just let it go. i am proud of who i am and i really dont care what people say about me. just try to let it not get to you that much. you should be proud of who you are, you know how you are and who you are and you deffenetly know that you are not what those ignorant women were talking about. maybe you should have proved them wrong instead of getting physical, then they would have been much more surprised and wouldn't have anything to say.
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? weird how u say u have blonde hair but your avatar has black... hmm
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? I think the peoples should come out of racism.
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? There are many ways to communicate. Sometimes, shock therapy is the only appropriate method to get through to someone. If all you did was slap her, without discussing why you did it, then you left the job half done. Did you ever tell her you were black and were personally offended by what she said? Did you suggest that everyone's blood is red when oxygenated, and blue when depleted? And, if she's really curious, she should look up royalty inbreeding and the wonderful results.
You can cure ignorance through education. You can't fix stupid.
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? You so totally didn't.
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? People are stupid! Dont let them anger you, they are just ignorant. It probably was wrong to slap her, it just makes her image of black people worse. Instead you should have said something to make you look smart, and her look stupid. Do something to prove them wrong, instead of justifying the image that they have.
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? You were wrong to have slapped her, and you might be wrong about being black, but you weren't wrong to think she was ignorant.
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? do not worry u weren't wrong. they desevered it. even though it was their opinion it was a pretty stupid,ignorant one.
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? you where wrong for striking someone for how they perceive the world. she's aloud to think what she wants.
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? I'm sorry, if this offends you, but If you have naturally blond hair and blues then you aren't black, you're mixed race. Which is not to say that you aren't African American.
As for the slap, that's actually classed as assault in the eyes of the law. Still, I don't blame you. If anybody called any ethnic group that in front of me I'd want to slap them, too.
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? i no how you feel, because i feel the same and deal with the same things and I'm Cherokee and french heritage. but you shouldn't of done it, slapped her, it was a mortal mistake because now you've gone right down to her level. and would she press charges now...i hope not because she was in the wrong to and she was insulting you and being racist to your heritage, which is against the law...but for next time, try and control yourself and ignore such people.
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? I'm not going to lie, she deserved it, but I find it mildly amusing that your obsessed with racial idenity. Just be yourself, race doesn't= what kind of person you are. Nah, if you really wanted to make her mad, you shouldn't have said you were black, or confronted her, you should have said you were dating a black man. LOL. racists are crazy fun to mess with. (racists of both colors)
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? People mistake me for being full white, then they start talking about Black people around me saying ''How ghetto they act'' ''How they dress in public'' I go up to them and say My dad is Black. I would not slap them because it's wrong. But it would be different if they kept going on about it.
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? She is an ignorant woman but I'm surprised you didn't get arrested for assault. Violence never persuaded anyone, it just drives it underground or encourages retaliation. Sorry you had to hear that though
I'm a black women who often gets mistaken for being white becuase of my blonde hair and blue eyes? u have blonde hair and blue eyes?
but at your avatar u have dark hair and brown eyes
I'm confused:S