Occasionally I get little white wirey hairs on my body, commonley on the back of my neck and stomach. I occasionally get them on my face too. They come through quite thick, and I pull them out. What causes them or is it just one of those things?!
Little white hairs?!?
hormones or you are getting ready to turn into Father Christmas?
ho ho ho
Little white hairs?!?
Little white hairs?!?
My diagnosis: you are a rabbit.
Little white hairs?!?
just one of those things none talks about.
Little white hairs?!?
dont pull the out or they come in thicker.
wait till you get older then you really will have them
it is hormones, girl, hormones
Little white hairs?!?
Unfortunately there isn't much you can do about them. Well apart from pluck I suppose.
Its natural though and happens to lots of women.
Have a great day
Little white hairs?!?
It is just one of thoses things. Think your lucky stars there not black. There are alot of lotions out now that have inhibitors in them Or go for electrolisis. If I were you I would stick to plucking.
Little white hairs?!?
Just one of those things that happens as you get older. Sorry to say that you'll start getting black ones too. Pluck like there's no tomorrow!
Little white hairs?!?
Hmmm... did you and the easter bunny go at it in an attempt to make your own Cadbury eggs???
Little white hairs?!?
It's hormones...or lack of hormones. You can get that checked at you OB/GYN to see if your levels need to be changed.
Little white hairs?!?
It could be twin embolisation syndrome it is the term for a fetus in a multi-gestation pregnancy which dies in utero and is then partially or completely reabsorbed by the mother. Occasionally, rather than being completely resorbed, the dead fetus will undergo mechanical compression by its wombmate(s), It's hairs and even teeth can be found in the others body.
Little white hairs?!?
You should b thankful, at least they're not curly black hairs. Just kidding, I think it's just one of those things, like mole hairs. I wouldn't sweat it, you'll probably be the only person who ever notices.
Little white hairs?!?
it is just an over active hair duct it happens to everyone, it dose not get the correct signal and it produces an odd hair
Little white hairs?!?
Definitely one of those things! Pull em out and just make sure you don't get em growin on the end of your nose - not a good look for you!
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