Sunday, June 20, 2010

My hairs are getting white and my age is only17?



pls help me as i m getting white hairs and i am only 17yrs . to do pls help me

there is no one to help me

i live in india lucknow

study hall schooll

pls help me

and u know my frends laugh on meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

help help

is there any one u ll help me

My hairs are getting white and my age is only17?


I have a friend who went through something similar to that when she was around 16 or 17. The difference is all of the gray hairs that she got were all clustered in the same spot and there were only several hairs. I don't think there's anything you can do to stop it. It's probably genetic. Maybe you should consider using henna on your hair, because henna is not harmful but it is actually healthy for your hair. It could also be caused by stress. If you are under a lot of pressure then that could be the reason. If so, then try to relax and not worry about things so much.

I'm sorry I wasn't much of a help but there's only so much you can do about gray hair.

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