Friday, June 18, 2010

Why are white people so mesmorzied by hair my weave?

You might be surprised to find out what people don't know when they haven't been exposed to various races/cultures. Someone mentioned hair grease/lotion... That reminds me of the many white people I met growing up (both children and adults) who thought black people had naturally greasy hair- that the scalps of black people produced too much oils. They had absolutely no clue about moisterization. And there were a number of black people who were amazed to find out that I washed my hair at least every other day. They couldn't fathom how I could wash my hair so often without it becomming as dry as straw. (I actually have a very weird scalp and hair. My hair texture is stereotypically "white" and my hair and scalp will become extremely oily if I don't shampoo frequently. But I have to lotion my scalp because it's so dry in between shampoos, which makes my hair look wet sometimes %26lt;since it's difficult to lotion your scalp without getting it all over your hair%26gt;. And this is one of the things that people bring up when they accuse me of "trying to be black"- that, according to them, I put grease in my hair so I can be like a black woman. Anyway....)

Sometimes, when I sit on the porch, a few of the neighborhood black children will approach me wanting to play with my hair. They ask questions such as, "How did your hair get so soft," "You don't have to brush it, do you," "Does your mommy have that hair, too," and so on... It's cute, but one thing bothers me-- Occasionally, one of them will tell me that they wish they had pretty hair like mine. So then I end up trying to explain to them why my hair texture being different from theirs is NOT the equivalent of my hair being prettier than theirs.

I have a black friend who wears her hair au naturel, and many of the white people at her job are totally flabbergasted. They ask her if they can pat it, how she brushes it, and what would happen if they tried to run their fingers through it. It irritates her, but she tries to have patience.

People react in various ways to that which is different from what they're use to. As someone else said, it's foreign to them. Not all white people react. And, of course, not all black people react. But yes, some people are "mesmerized" by the different hair textures, hair styles, hair care, etc... It's something that they have had little to no contact with, so they think it's fascinating.

Why are white people so mesmorzied by hair my weave?

When I was in the juvenile detention home in Cleveland, the black kids (some) where fascinated by my straight hair.

Does that help?

Why are white people so mesmorzied by hair my weave?

it is foreign to them. When my wife got braids our white friends did not know it was weave until we made joke about how long it took. For the most part the average white person does not use any kind of hair extensions. If they do it is a clip. The idea that you had something sewn or glued on is amazing. Think about it from their perspective it is not an every day occurrence. Even more so if they grew up in a white neighborhood. I have had many people in their 20's say that i was the first black person they know. They don't know that we grease our hair that we need lotion like everyday, that we don't wash our hair every day, that black women with straight hair have it processed, how hard clothes are for us to buy because we are not shaped like them and they control the industry. Just think of everything that is normal to you is completely weird to them

Why are white people so mesmorzied by hair my weave?

cause most of us have very fine hair that we can't do such wonderful things with. I have a ton of hair, but it is very fine and straight as a board. If I put my hair up in a do - it falls in minutes unless I use all kinds of goop.

This is no joke - when I was little, I prayed that I would wake up and be a black little girl because they got to wear beautiful braids and poodle barretts. I always felt soooo sad when I woke up without those braids.

It is just human to be interested in what other people do - I hope you see it as a compliment - if people are asking you about your hair, you must be a really nice person that people can talk to.

We white people are weird sometimes -

Why are white people so mesmorzied by hair my weave?

People are fascinated by what's different. As blacks our hair and complexions vary greatly. I have naturally long jet black bone straight waist length hair...people are mesmerized by my hair both black and white.

Why are white people so mesmorzied by hair my weave?

um i would say they don't get out much. Every race gets weave now. Jessica Simpson has her own line. Its just people tend to think white girls hair is "real". and most of the time its as real as our tan , nails, eyes, Please we all women do a little faking, that whats good about being female

Why are white people so mesmorzied by hair my weave?

I have no idea, but when you find out, please let me know.

Why are white people so mesmorzied by hair my weave?

It's different for them. Imagine if you were me. I am biracial and have dark skin, facial features that people think of as white, what lots of people call a brah butt, and what people I meet call horse hair [[I think thats stereotype for white peoples hair]]. Whtie people and black people always bugging me about something.

Why are white people so mesmorzied by hair my weave?

I'm not! don't think so much of yourself!

Why are white people so mesmorzied by hair my weave?

If you mean corn row weaves, I would love to have mine done. My sister once had hers done in Bermuda and it looked awesome. It is because of how long it takes to get it done, sitting still for hours.....I get looks and questions like did I do it myself when I am wearing a double french braid -it's almost a lost art

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