Sunday, June 20, 2010

What is the best product to use for white ppl to have greasy hair?

Buy some type of hair oil at the drugstore. Don't not wash your hair for too long - otherwise it will itch.

What is the best product to use for white ppl to have greasy hair?

you're question makes it sound like you want greasy that case put some kind of oil in your scalp I guess, or just don't wash it for a couple of days

If you're trying to get rid of greasy hair quickly, dab baby powder on your scalp and brush it through your strands. I'm sure if you google it, you'll find some recipe on getting rid of it!

What is the best product to use for white ppl to have greasy hair?

A daily clarifying shampoo

What is the best product to use for white ppl to have greasy hair?

if u want to HAVE greasy hair, use conditioners that say for dry hair and if u want to get rid of greasy hair then use crystas the german shampoo its a silver bottle

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