Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What is the probalty of me having a white blue eyed blond hair child?

i know is a dum question but just need answer for a project i am doing for school in school I am half black and half white so could someone please tell me.!!!

What is the probalty of me having a white blue eyed blond hair child?

ok so it depends on what colourings you are and what colourings the "dad" will be,

but then in saying that the alleles (i think thats what they are called) for darker colourings are in you (from your dad) and if the guy has the same alleles then you might end up with a darker haired baby. its because the darker alleles are dominant over the lighter ones.

i think it works out to be 1 in four chance or something along those lines.

my example is my mum and dad both have dark hair and brown and green eyes,i have BLACK hair(really dark) and green eyes,my sister has medium brown hair and brown eyes and the my brother has blonde hair and blue eyes.

and at the moment i am pregnant and my hubby had red hair so im hoping my black hair will over power the ginger :D

What is the probalty of me having a white blue eyed blond hair child?


First you need the blue/blonde genes somewhere in your family. Dark genes are dominant though.

What is the probalty of me having a white blue eyed blond hair child?

If you find a white man with blue eyes you will have a chance

What is the probalty of me having a white blue eyed blond hair child?

I'd research DNA and genetics online. I remember learning in high school biology about blue eyes being a recessive gene and blonde hair was too I think... which means less likely to occur over brown, esp. if only one parent carries the recessive gene. If you are half then I'd say the chances are low unless the other parent is blonde haired/blue eyed.

What is the probalty of me having a white blue eyed blond hair child?

It would all depend on their genetic make up. Hair and eye color are simple mendelian genetic so you could set up a punnet square. Color however is not as easy as it is not a simple dominant/recessive gene. I suspect you were taught how to do this so I will let you get on with it... being that it's a school project so you are suppose to figure out how to do it, not ask someone else. Google mendelian genetic and follow the steps. Good luck.


Blue eyes: Recessive : rr

Brown eyes: Dominant? : Rr, RR


r rR rR

r rR rR

100% Brown eyes.

Also, knowing teachers as well as I do... if you just give them the answer with no explanation as to how you got your answer you won't get credit anyway.

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