Sunday, June 20, 2010

I'm starting to get white hairs...?

I'm starting to get white hairs... I've heard that it's 'cause of stress... Any other answers?

I'm starting to get white hairs...?

Stress can cause white hairs, but it can also be hereditary. Did anyone in your family have white hairs at an early age?? If it bugs you, you can dye them. Best of luck to you.

I'm starting to get white hairs...?

Time for hair color #32

I'm starting to get white hairs...?

Sometimes it's genetic.

Talk to your doctor if you're worried.

I'm starting to get white hairs...?

It could be a family trait.

I started finding white hairs when I was a teen.

I have also heard that stress can cause it but, isn't that an old wives tale?

I'm starting to get white hairs...?


my mom says she got her first white hair in the...

first grade!!!!

so dont worry about it, you dont need to go through dying if you dont want to.

Stress is the only answer i can think of, maybe genetics, but i hope not because i dont want white hairs for a long time! (thanks, mom!)

I'm starting to get white hairs...?

You can check your ears also here:)

Pass the word!

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