Sunday, June 20, 2010

How do I get fine white dog hair off the carpet and blankets?

Doesn't seem to help when I throw them in the wash.

How do I get fine white dog hair off the carpet and blankets?

Wrap tape (duct tape works best) *tape side out* - very important - around a toilet paper roll and roll it lightly across the rug or blanket

How do I get fine white dog hair off the carpet and blankets?

Lint Roller (the tape kind) and any kind of tape will do it. I have Border Collies and it seems like the white part of their coats always end up on my black pant. Using tape over the spots always do the trick

How do I get fine white dog hair off the carpet and blankets?

Use a lint brush that has a sticky roller...almost like big pieces of masking tape. Works really well!

How do I get fine white dog hair off the carpet and blankets?

Pet Hair Magnet or Sticky rollers.

Good luck!

How do I get fine white dog hair off the carpet and blankets?

Plastercine or blue tack, get a good sized ball and gently roll it along the area, you can use it over and over and it's safe.

How do I get fine white dog hair off the carpet and blankets?

There's a few ways. First, you can put on some rubber gloves and dip them in cool water, shake off the excess then rub over the areas with the fur, in a nice rolling motion, this collects pet hair. Rinse the gloves off between each wipe, keep doing until clean.

You can also wrap tape, sticky side out around your hand and pat the areas to pick up the hair, this is good for smaller areas.

You can also take a sponge, wring it out so it's damp, you want it damp, not wet. Then wipe down the area with downward strokes. make sure to have a bag nearby to throw the hair out in.

You can also use a soot and dirt removal sponge. This is used DRY, and you can get it at home centers and hardware stores. Use it in a wiping motion, wipe downwards. It collects all the hair. This sponge is washable, but it's always used DRY!

You can also use an already used dryer fabric softner sheet, wipe in a downward motion, this collects the hair.

You can also use a dry loofah, wipe in a downward motion to collect hair, then wash the loofah in a washing machine.

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