My neice has a bunch of white hairs. Is this bc she's lacking some sort of vitamin? I want to take care of the problem bc she gets really embarrassed by it and it seems as if more are coming out.
5yr old with white hairs?
I had like a few white hairs ever since I was a kid ,was told it was some form of difficiency,but now I do hair for a living and my take on it is, just that those few hair pores did not produce pigment,tried pulling them out when I was younger,cuz of teasing,but they just grew back white again, but my mom was pretty good on the nutrient part so,I chalked it up to genetic make up.
5yr old with white hairs?
some people just have that
5yr old with white hairs?
It could be lice
5yr old with white hairs?
my neice has them too she was 4 when i noticed but her dad was practically gray in his 20s
5yr old with white hairs?
there is some sort of disorder that causes people to gray faster. That american idol guy, taylor was gray and he was only like 24 i think. they also say that a child who expierences something tragic that they will have a streak of white hair...not sure if this is true or not. talk to the doctor
5yr old with white hairs?
White hair is just a lack of pigment. That's all it is, and it doesn't mean anything, just that the white hair that used to be concentrated with pigment, no longer has pigment. White hair isn't always a sign of old age. I am nearly 37 and I've been "going grey" since my early 20's with a white hair here and a white hair there. Now, I am all white at my temples and underneath layers of my hair. Big deal! Not to come off as harsh, but society has painted the worst picture of grey hair, so much so that you're a social outcast, almost, if you wear your hair its natural color. People tell me all the time to color my hair. Why should I listen to them, cuz it bothers them or it bothers me? It bothers me zero percent, but I think it offends them somehow, but I have never stopped to think of how it does until I type this response. It's actually ridiculous, in a way, cuz this is such a natural process, that again, ppl frown on, like other natural processes such as everyone has their own body type. We're like snowflakes. No two are alike, even twins. Not to go off on a rant, but I think you get the jist of what I am saying. A five year old boy with a cluster of white hairs is not going to kill him. It's not detrimental to his health, and no, he doesn't have lice. It's only a patch of white hair. Nothing more, nothing less....Period. Now, you can move on to another concern. His hair is unique just like my fallopian tubes and the anatomical make up of my knees are unique, my surgeon said so. Just thought I'd throw that in for good measure. Hope this has helped.
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